SRWC presents an exciting and informative skill-based workshop featuring Dr. Reece Malone, May 31, 2017!
The World Health Organization places the criteria for overall health in four “pillars”: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Sexual.
“Integrating the Forgotten Pillar” is about how we incorporate client’s sexual health in the Health, Mental Health and Addiction fields.
You will learn to improve your quality of service by critically engaging their knowledge, awareness, and attitudes about sexuality and sexual expression. You will learn tools for assessing, and tools for integrating sexual health communication, resulting in healthier, more successful clients.
This topics has been prepared based on the response to, and feedback from, our 2016 Sex and Addictions Conference featuring Doug-Braun Harvey.
Winnipeg’s own Dr. Reece Malone, DHS, MPH, CSE, CST, ACS
Reece is a Certified Sexologist and Sexuality Educator who provides consultation, therapy and counselling to individuals and families, and public and professional sexuality presentations throughout North America.
Event Details
- Wednesday May 31, 2017, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Norwood Hotel, 112 Marion, Winnipeg
- $100, Lunch included
Register Today!
- 204-956-6650 ext 104
- Online registration: coming soon!
You may send a registration request by email using the form below. We will contact you to confirm your registration and payment details.
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Reserve Tickets: The Forgotten Pillar Workshop’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Agency/Company’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’How Many Tickets to Reserve’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8’/][contact-field label=’Payment Type’ type=’radio’ options=’Credit or Debit,Cheque,Invoice,Cash’/][/contact-form]