This information is current as of April 7,2022
SRWC has put policies in place to increase safety and to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
As the many restrictions around COVID have been lifted, we are no longer taking temperatures at the front desk. Most of our programs are fully meeting in person again, although a few groups still offer a hybrid of in-person and via Zoom.
Read more about the current limitations here:
Masks are optional but highly recommended.
Vaccination against COVID is not required to be in a group in person, but it is strongly encouraged.
- SRWC staff and participants will stay home if they are ill.
- No handshakes.
- All staff, participants, and visitors sanitize their hands when they enter SRWC.
- There are no shared pens at sign-in (participants keep the pen they use, or use their own).
- Any participant suspected of being impaired will be re-scheduled and sent home
- Counters are wiped with disinfectant after signing in.
- Chairs and tables are wiped with disinfectant after use.
- Disposable cups are used for coffee, water, etc., and sugar and whiteners are individually packed and the coffee counter is wiped with disinfectant at least once a day.
- Participants who are paying for their program are encouraged to pay by e-transfer, debit or credit, and the card machine is wiped with disinfectant after each use.
Physical Distancing
When possible, physical distancing is encouraged in the offices and meeting rooms. Some group rooms are too small for all Participants to be spaced out. If you are uncomfortable with this, speak with your counsellor to see if attending online is an option.