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Looking for motivation to get/stay sober? Have you tried the change matrix?

Normally the change matrix is used when making a decision whether to change something we are currently doing (or not doing). In Related to Substance Use Disorder we would typically look at this for balancing continuing to use or making the change to stop/reduce our using.

The Change Matrix

However, even if you have been in recovery for a while, there can be value writing out a matrix. Why? Because it reminds us of why we made the decision to change in the first place–and why we want to keep that change going today.

Listing the negative consequences of using reminds us of what it cost us. Family, friends, money, jobs, self-respect, time, health, it can be a big list.

And that’s useful as a short term reminder of what we are running from. However, negative motivation, when it is helpful, is generally only helpful in the short term. Being scared of returning to using may stop us right now, but it probably won’t stop us in the long run.

Which is why it’s important to also look at the positive consequences of not using. Improved health, job, re building relationships, stability, memory, less anxiety and fear, being responsible and trustworthy, this list can also be a long one.

It’s here that we see what he have achieved, and what we are moving towards, in recovery. We can take the time to recognize the changes we have seen (I am calmer, or my sister is talking to me again), and the changes we are looking forward to seeing (I’ll be able to return to work, or I will be out of debt).

It is finding value in the healthier life that we are moving towards which will often be a longer lasting motivation when faced with craving or urges to use.

This is not a one-size-fits all. Some individuals will find negative motivation continues to work for them in the long term. But if we are used to using mostly using negative motivation, than learning positive motivation can be one more tool in our recovery toolbox.

The Work Sober group brainstormed some of the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE things about USING or NOT USING alcohol or other drugs.

The Work Sober group is for men and women who have some sobriety and are looking to maintain and build on that. We look at how to build a life that makes it easier to not use. Individuals in this group range from 1 month to 2 years of sobriety. Find out more about SRWC’s other programs here, or contact us for more info or to schedule an intake meeting.

What would you write on your change matrix?


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